As we begin another school year, our goal is to understand uniqueness in children.
Every young person has a "secret sauce" to thriving based on their temperament and strengths.
Behavior is about the communication of needs.
Our goal together is to find out what your child needs to blossom.
"But, that's impossible!!"
"I don't have time for that."
I feel that. I often support parents of children who are more persistent, intense, sensitive, and in need of regularity than their peers.
Our goal is NOT:
* To force every child to fit a definition of success or "good" behavior.
* Or punish children for not behaving/conforming.
* It would be ridiculous to punish a garden for not producing fruit.
Yet, this is exactly what we do with children.
Helping you unlock your children's strengths is the goal and to do that:
1) We have to BELIEVE it's possible that all children can thrive based on their unique needs.
2) If we're spending time punishing kids and doling out consequences for non-conformity, there is NO time to meet their needs.
In the long run, It is much more time and cost effective to meet kids needs than to punish them.
But, it's an entire mindset and systems shift that can begin with each of us.
"When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” ~ Alexander Den Heijer and shared often in Positive Discipline
If we know this about plants, let's parent this way too.
Need support to understand the uniqueness in your child?
Let's talk!
Click here.
P.S. Looking for positive parenting support this Fall? Purchase our Smooth-Sailing Fall Routines virtual workshop for just $15 or let's talk here about Happy Home Coaching options for your family.
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